Laughing in the Spirit, or Holy laughter, has been a controversial topic in the church.
I'll give you 5 reasons why.
Lack of Understanding
Many people simply don’t understand what it means to laugh in the Spirit. What we don’t understand can often seem strange or even unsettling. Yet, isn’t it true that there’s so much about God we cannot fully comprehend?
Doubting the Holy Spirit
Some question whether the Holy Spirit would act in such a way. They might think laughter is an unnecessary method for healing or deliverance. But deciding how the Holy Spirit should work can come across as prideful—God’s ways are higher than ours.
Concerns About Order
Others claim that laughing in the Spirit is out of order. But let’s reflect—was David “orderly” when he danced and shouted with joy before the Lord? His unrestrained worship pleased God (2 Samuel 6:14-22).
2 Samuel 6:14 AMP
And David was dancing before the Lord with [a] great enthusiasm, and David was [b]wearing a linen ephod [a priest’s upper garment]. So David and all the house of Israel were bringing the ark of the Lord up [to the City of David] with shouts [of joy] and with the sound of the trumpet. Then, as the ark of the Lord came into the City of David, [c] Michal, Saul’s daughter [David’s wife], looked down from the window above and saw King David leaping and dancing before the Lord; and she felt contempt for him in her heart [because she thought him undignified].
Religion without Relationship
Having religion without a personal relationship is one major cause of confusion. The Pharisees and Sadducees understood religion but they also accused Jesus Christ of working with the devils to cast out devils. Going to church regularly does not always mean that someone has received or knows the Holy Spirit. While ministering to people around the world, I've met quite a few who never gave their life to Christ but had assumed that attendance was acceptance.
Lack of Biblical Knowledge
Lack of devotion time in the Bible can be a problem. Although most people around the world have the internet on their mini-computer (phone) in their pocket, it's much easier to say something is not in the Bible instead of searching for a relatable passage. Like this one, Job 8:21
Till he fill thy mouth with laughing, and thy lips with rejoicing.
After reading the 5 reasons listed, I'm sure you can understand why some Christians would be deterred from laughing in the Spirit. In my other blog, I have a few more details for you to consider. Check it out.
Some Christians may never agree, support, or even confess that laughing in the Spirit is of God. That's okay. They don't have to receive joy. It's usually difficult for people to receive joy.
Over the years, I've noticed that tears pour out of people's eyes as they are laughing in the Spirit.
Do you know what that is?
Pain! That's what it is.
Some of the most rejected, downtrodden, abandoned, and hurt people are crying and laughing at the same time when the Holy Spirit touches them.
When this happens, God is pushing the pain out through laughter.
Click the button for a short video from a Miracle Service where I ministered. You'll see that the beloved woman was feeling blessed and thankful to God as she laughed in the Spirit.
For this woman, the laughter was confirmation that He is in control and there's no need to be afraid or worried. She can take joy in knowing that her situation is in God's hands.
This extraordinary manifestation of joy, also known as Holy Laughter, is a powerful experience where believers are overcome by the joy of the Holy Spirit, often bursting into uncontrollable, Spirit-filled laughter.
This expression of divine joy can refresh, deliver, heal, and uplift those who experience it.
The unction is not prompted by us but by the Holy Spirit.
Does the bible mention laughing in the Spirit?
Not using that exact terminology but scripture refers to joy. Depending on the translation, joy, joyful, and rejoice are mentioned in the Bible over 400 times.
Laughing is a manifestation of joy.
Laughing in the Spirit is a manifestation of joy from the Lord.
Joy from the Lord is a fruit of the Holy Spirit according to Galatians 5:22-23.
People laugh for all sorts of bad reasons, such as the suffering of others, making fun of people's mishaps, and abusive behavior. In scripture, God warns us against rejoicing about our enemies' fall. I'm sure some people against holy laughter are guilty of laughing for a bad reason. So why go against laughter from God, that glorifies God, and blesses God's beloved child?
Proverbs 24:17-18
Do not rejoice when your enemy falls, and let not your heart be glad when he stumbles, lest the Lord see it and be displeased, and turn away his anger from him.
However, the joy of the Lord provides comfort, contentment, and peace despite difficult circumstances.
In a nutshell, joy from the Lord is supernatural.
Galatians 5:22-23 KJV
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.
All of the fruits of the Spirit glorify God. As Jesus said, the Holy Spirit will remind us of Him.
John 14:26 KJV
But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.
In most cases, laughing in the Spirit is a confirmation of God's sovereignty. He's able to handle all of our needs and knows our concerns. Through laughter, the Holy Spirit is reminding us that Jesus has already died on the cross for us and we have inherited His blessings. Laughing in the Spirit glorifies God.
The experience is God-led, not people. Individuals should not try to conjure, work with familiar spirits, or manipulate the spiritual realm to achieve Holy Laughter. That would be demonic and unnecessary.
To learn more about how to recognize demonic activity check out my revelatory courses.
Here's a picture of me and a young lady in Chicago. The ministers in JTM and I were evangelizing on some of the most dangerous streets of Chicago.
This young lady was in so much pain but when the Holy Spirit healed her from 25 years of pain, she laughed and laughed and laughed. Listen to her testimony here.
Click the image to learn about Holy Laughter.
Prayer for Receiving Joy
Lord, I repent for all sins including my sins, the sins of my ancestors on my mother's side and my father's side. I repent for not being open to receiving Your joy. I may not understand everything about You but I know that You'd rather me be happy than sad. You'd rather I'd laugh than cry. I repent for all cessationism trying to stop the flow of the precious Holy Spirit. Lord, I yield my heart, my mind, and my body to You completely. I'm ready to receive Your amazing joy right now. In the name of Jesus. Amen!
Precious beloved, I'd love to hear your testimony about what happened after this prayer. Check out our miracles log of other testimonies here.
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Thank you for reading my blog, "What is Laughing in the Spirit?" I pray that it's drawn you closer to the Holy Spirit.
God bless you