Prophetic Assessment by Jivel Tousand
Release Date 6/1/2022

June shall be full of blessings without encumberment.
June shall be full of blessings without encumberment. You shall find those things that were lost in your personality, joy, happiness, peace, and finances. Many people will be disturbed and deterred by what happens with you that cannot handle the capacity of your wealth and expectation thereof.
O my God, in you I trust; let me not be put to shame; let not my enemies exult over me. Psalm 25:2
I pray that your blessings exceed your own expectations of what God will do.
May you be an encourager to those that have not shared the joy you are about to receive.
May the people that are disturbed by your wealth begin to support you and show you favor.
May your family, friends, and foes contribute to what God is doing economically, financially, emotionally academically, and spiritually in your life.
May the very abuser and user that attacked you begin to lift you up.
May the doors that closed be opened up to you and your understanding be enlightened with how to walk in them.
May God prove to you that He's always watching, listening, and caring for your needs.
In the name of Jesus! AMEN! AMEN! and AMEN! It is SO!!!
God doesn't want us dwelling on the past. That creates refusal of access and a block in the spirit, mentally, and physically. Yes, He's going to use the past to create something new. You must adhere to the instruction of having an expectant heart and to do so, you must let the past go. You cannot hold it anyway. It's not your burden, it's the Lord's. Let Him reconstruct what's happening in your life, future, and destiny.

Keep joyously expecting. You will see the fruit in this season from many seasons ago when you thought I wasn't listening. When you thought, I didn't hear you. When you gave up. Look for encumberments to be removed and for blessings and favor to flow. Says the Lord.
“Remember not the former things,
nor consider the things of old.
Behold, I am doing a new thing;
now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?
I will make a way in the wilderness
and rivers in the desert. Isaiah 43:18-19
Many will be weakened by the enhancements in the spirit but many will be encouraged by it. The season of wealth is upon you and it's your job to view it in a new perspective of expecting. You'll see many things of old come to past with a new face. A new look and a new outcome. I'm bringing old back as new that's good for you and your family, your increase, and your situation.

Expect people to make amends and apologize for their neglect and misuse of you and your resources. Their hearts will be prompted to correct the wrongs and make them right with you. Your enemies will apologize to your face and speak good of you behind your back.
God says,
Do not give me watered-down Christianity. I want disciples born in this season to stand up. Those that easily yield to the world will need to sit down. Give me your heart first and I'll take care of the rest. It doesn't matter what you did. in the past. Your mistakes are few among what I've seen. Don't worry about the previous, focus on the next to expect the best.

written by Jivel Tousand
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