Prophetic Assessment by Jivel Tousand
Release Date 7/1/2023
God is awakening his daughters in this season. Some of you have felt impaired especially hearing impaired but my daughter's shall prophesy says the Lord!

"And the same man had four daughters, virgins, which did prophesy (Acts 21:9[KJV])."
And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams "(Acts 2:17 [KJV])."
Expect a flood of prophetic words coming from you and expect to hear more prophetic voices spewing out what God has to say with fire. Each person has a different anointing that'll hit them in a special way and we need all of it to form unity in the body of Christ.
This is something you've been waiting for and you've been wanting to have clarity, to grow, and to know. Now you shall have it says the Lord. Now you shall hear at great speeds and you'll need to act quickly before you miss the jump. You need to know the right time and the right place.

Incline your ear says the Lord. Don't push away the words that you hear and call them nonsense or question if He will speak to you. I will, says the Lord your God, King of all, the Almighty that has raised you from a little girl. I give you authority to speak my words and you shall see things come to past that you say. Kindly incline your ear says the Lord.
My sons I am pouring out over you a new wave of procession that'll catapult you into the next season but you must be submissive.

"Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you (James 4:7 [KJV])."
When I pour I leave nothing empty, it'll be up to you to manage and resuscitate what has been dead and lost breath.

I want you to pour into others. Listen to the voices that are crying out for help. Don't turn them away. For they need of you says the Lord your God. They need you to train them up, they need you to be the example, and they need your time and energy towards them.
Don't fear the loss of your time and efforts. Just do, and I'll take care of the rest. I'll replenish you and restore you and keep you under my wings. I'll raise you for bigger things says the Lord. This is not the end and it's not over yet. Heed my voice says God for I am sending to you a wave that you don't want to escape from. Catch it and be replenished for all you've done in the past and in the present and in the future. I have need of you to do this for me. says the Lord.
My children be aware of the many gates and portal ways that the enemy would try to trap you.

Remain humble, seek my face, and don't be despondent for I will send you encouragement right when you need it and I will speak to you in the night season. Wake up o Zion and hear my voice! Wake up o Zion and hear my voice! For when I speak the earth shakes and lives change, and seasons stir. Move with me, not against me, and pay close attention to the night hours and your prayers, and don't grow weary, says the lord your God.
Im doing something with your heart. Many of you have asked for cleansing and nurturing, and peace.

I will give it to you in this season. When you look upon things, seek my face in them and develop something that will glorify me within the situation. I am bringing peace to your heart and a calmness that will surpass your understanding. Let me care for you. HeaHeal your heart and over you from predators and users and abusers, don't run from the fight stay in and create something new.
And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:7 [KJV]).
written by Jivel Tousand
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