To all laborers, oxen, and shepherds—allow me to mentor you as you, in turn, mentor others. Your lifestyle and spiritual health will enhance your anointing to either lead make you flourish or make you fail. You'll learn how to operate with the Holy Spirit, deal with God's sheep, and survive and thrive in ministry after dying for ministry.
Secrets in Ministry
​I'll share the secrets I know for you to flourish. As you develop, you need to know how to prepare, lead confidently, and see the vision God gave you activated.
Understanding Your Divine Calling: How to fully embrace and operate in the calling God has placed on your life.
The Power of Preparation: Essential steps for spiritual, mental, and practical preparation in ministry.
Leading with Confidence: Developing strong leadership qualities and leading with authority and humility.
Maintaining Integrity: The importance of transparency, honesty, and ethical behavior in ministry leadership.
Spiritual Warfare Strategies: Insights on how to battle spiritual forces that seek to hinder your progress.
Balancing Family and Ministry: Key principles for ensuring a healthy balance between personal life and ministry.
Handling Rejection and Criticism: Strategies for overcoming rejection and criticism while staying focused on God’s purpose.
Activating God’s Vision for Your Ministry: How to recognize and bring to life the vision God has entrusted to you.
Financial Stewardship in Ministry: Managing resources wisely while trusting God for provision.
The Power of Prayer and Fasting: Unlocking breakthroughs through consistent and intentional prayer and fasting.
Staying Humble Amidst Growth: Staying grounded and humble as God elevates your ministry.
Creating Lasting Impact: Building a legacy and ensuring your ministry continues to thrive long-term.
Protect Yourself in Ministry
​I'll share with you the secrets that I know for you to flourish. As you develop, you need to know how to prepare, lead with confidence, and to see the vision God gave you activated.
Understanding Your Divine Calling: How to fully embrace and operate in the calling God has placed on your life.
The Power of Preparation: Essential steps for spiritual, mental, and practical preparation in ministry.
Leading with Confidence: Developing strong leadership qualities and leading with authority and humility.
Maintaining Integrity: The importance of transparency, honesty, and ethical behavior in ministry leadership.
Spiritual Warfare Strategies: Insights on how to battle spiritual forces that seek to hinder your progress.
Balancing Family and Ministry: Key principles for ensuring a healthy balance between personal life and ministry.
​​Financial Accountability: Staying transparent and responsible with finances to avoid personal and ministry-related financial issues.
Spiritual Discernment: Identifying and overcoming spiritual attacks that threaten your calling and ministry.
Sustaining Passion in Ministry: Strategies for maintaining your spiritual zeal and avoiding the risk of losing motivation.
Developing Emotional Strength: Building emotional resilience to handle criticism, opposition, and disappointment.
Staying Humble in Success: Maintaining humility as your ministry grows and protecting yourself from pride and arrogance.
Protecting Your Family in Ministry: Ensuring that your family is not neglected and remains a priority as you serve in ministry.
Operate with the Holy Spirit
How to Operate with the Holy Spirit To maintain your gifts and calling, you need to be full of passion and zeal for the Lord. There are many dead churches that need to be revived. That won't happen to you if you allow the Holy Spirit to work inside of you and in your ministry. I'll teach you how to focus on His will instead of your own to ensure your ministry is thriving, full of truth, and is full of life.
Yielding to the Holy Spirit: Learning how to submit your will to the Holy Spirit's guidance in every aspect of ministry.
Recognizing the Voice of the Holy Spirit: Developing spiritual sensitivity to discern when the Holy Spirit is speaking or leading.
Walking in the Spirit Daily: Practical steps for staying connected to the Holy Spirit in everyday life and ministry.
Maintaining Passion and Zeal for God: How to stay on fire for God by continually being filled with the Holy Spirit.
Listening for the Holy Spirit’s Direction in Ministry: How to align your ministry's vision with the Holy Spirit’s will, not your own.
The Role of Prayer and Fasting: Understanding how fasting and deep prayer help strengthen your connection with the Holy Spirit.​
Being a Vessel of Truth: Allowing the Holy Spirit to guide your preaching and teaching so it’s rooted in truth and power.
Guarding Against Quenching the Spirit: Avoiding behaviors, attitudes, or distractions that block the Holy Spirit’s flow in your life and ministry.
Creating an Atmosphere for the Holy Spirit: How to foster a ministry environment where the Holy Spirit is welcomed and can move freely.
Walking in Holiness and Integrity: Understanding how purity and obedience open the way for greater manifestations of the Spirit.
Staying Humble While Operating in Power: Balancing humility with the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit.
Sustaining a Spirit-Led Ministry: How to ensure that your ministry continues to be led by the Holy Spirit for long-term success.